Hi,My name is Hamed Rashed AlGhanboosi, from Sultanate of Oman,
I have a Bachelor of civil engineering from Sultan Qaboos University,Oman, also I got my Master degree in projects management (with distinction) from Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland.
Now Im working for Petroulem Dvelopment Oman (PDO) as a Lead construction Engineer.
also I’m hoppyist and freelance photographer, my passion to photography started 2006 and its continued in wonderful digital photography world. Every day I’m learning something new about photography and I’m willing to learn more and more.
I like all aspect of photography, however, the landscape and nature gives me so much inspiration. Through my lenses, I express my feelings of the moment and the beauty of the nature which (allah) gave us.
I’d like to be a professional photographer and maybe one day my dream will come true and I can inspire others as others have inspired me.
I hope you enjoy your visit to my facbook and all comments are welcomed.
Hamed AlGhanboosi

حمد بن راشد الغنبوصي ، حاصل على الباكالوريوس في الهندسه من جامعة السلطان قابوس – قسم الهندسة المدنيه وايضا ماجستير من سكوتلاندا في ادارة المشاريع، مصور مبتديء لان الطبيعه التي وهبنا اياها الله تلهمنا الكثير للتمعن في هذا الجمال الرباني ::وهناك الكثير لنتعلمه بلا شك :: شكرا لكم لزيارتكم الكريمه لصفحتي في الفيسبوك واتمنى ان تجدوا ما تستفيدون منه حقا :: تحياتي :: ابو عماد