مغامرة أمريكية، تدعى “إليسون تيل”، تسبح وسط الحمم البركانية بالقرب من بركان “كيلاويا” فى جزر هاواى الأمريكية، هي أول أمرأة في العالم تسبح قرابة بركان نشط.

ووصفت “تيل” التحدى الفريد من نوعها الذى قامت به، عبر حسابها الشخصى على موقع “انستجرام”، بأنه “ربما يكون التجربة الأقوى فى حياتها”، مضيفة أن تلك التجربة ترفع نسبة الأدرينالين فى الجسم، لكنها لا تنصح أى شخص بالإقدام عليها، وحذرت قائلة إن الماء يغلى والأبخرة قاتلة والمحيط غادر.

ويشار إلى أن بركان “كيلاويا” اندلع وبدأ يصب حممه فى المحيط الهادئ منذ نهاية شهر يوليو الماضى، حيث وصلت الحمم إلى الساحل؛ ويعد “كيلاويا” أحد أكثر البراكين نشاطا فى العالم فضلا عن أنه يجذب الآلاف من الزوار من جميع أنحاء العالم.

PIC BY PERRIN JAMES / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Alison Teal paddles out to Kilauea volcano in Hawaii as it eruopts into the ocean) - Professional adventurer Alison Teal has become the first woman to paddle out into lava during a volcanic eruption into the sea. Amazing shots of the extreme surf session shows the daredevil riding her pink surfboard up to the base of Kilauea Volcano. Photographer Perrin James snapped the brave explorer within feet of the lava as it flows into the ocean. Its the first the volcano in the Big Island of Hawaii has erupted since 2011. SEE CATERS COPY
PIC BY PERRIN JAMES / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED: Alison Teal paddles out to Kilauea volcano in Hawaii as it eruopts into the ocean) – Professional adventurer Alison Teal has become the first woman to paddle out into lava during a volcanic eruption into the sea. Amazing shots of the extreme surf session shows the daredevil riding her pink surfboard up to the base of Kilauea Volcano. Photographer Perrin James snapped the brave explorer within feet of the lava as it flows into the ocean. Its the first the volcano in the Big Island of Hawaii has erupted since 2011. SEE CATERS COPY
PIC BY PERRIN JAMES / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Alison Teal paddles out to Kilauea volcano in Hawaii as it eruopts into the ocean) - Professional adventurer Alison Teal has become the first woman to paddle out into lava during a volcanic eruption into the sea. Amazing shots of the extreme surf session shows the daredevil riding her pink surfboard up to the base of Kilauea Volcano. Photographer Perrin James snapped the brave explorer within feet of the lava as it flows into the ocean. Its the first the volcano in the Big Island of Hawaii has erupted since 2011. SEE CATERS COPY
PIC BY PERRIN JAMES / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED: Alison Teal paddles out to Kilauea volcano in Hawaii as it eruopts into the ocean) – Professional adventurer Alison Teal has become the first woman to paddle out into lava during a volcanic eruption into the sea. Amazing shots of the extreme surf session shows the daredevil riding her pink surfboard up to the base of Kilauea Volcano. Photographer Perrin James snapped the brave explorer within feet of the lava as it flows into the ocean. Its the first the volcano in the Big Island of Hawaii has erupted since 2011. SEE CATERS COPY



