ألف ألف مبروك للشاب نور الدين من العراق


    Najla Angawi, AFIAP, ESFIAP, HonFICS
    Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – Middle-East
    Chairman, ICS International Young Photographers Project

    We are honored to invite ALL YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHERS worldwide UNDER 21 YEARS OLD to participate in our International Projected Images Contest

    The 3rd Young Photographers of the World 2015


    • Works should be sent through International Coordinators to the Chairman Najla M. Angawi, AFIAP, by e-mail naangawi@yahoo.com or ‘We transfer’
    • According to Saudi Arabia or the countries that do not have International Coordinators in their countries, photos should be sent to the chairman Najla Angawi. (International Coordinators are listed below).
    • The subject is FREE but no nude photos are accepted.
    • which should include a maximum of 4 photos per author and  20 works or less from each country per coordinator.
    • Image name: Filenames of the images should be according to the following convention: Name – Surname – Country – Sequence Number of the Photo.
    • E.g. Mr. Ahmed Angawi  photo no 1 from Saudi Arabia, should be named as: Ahmed Angawi-Saudi Arabia-01.jpg
    • Image Size: Images should be in JPEG format, 1024 x 768 pixels dimensions, not exceeding 1 Mb in size.
    • FEE : Free-of-charge.


    • Last date of submission of works: 15-12-2014
    • Projected Images Presentation: 31-05-2015


    We look forward to receiving the best photos by young photographers under the age of 21. We appreciate encouraging your young photographers to participate, See you soon with best youth images!!!

    Best Regards,

    Najla Angawi, AFIAP, ES.FIAP, UPI. CR1, Life time Achievement Award 2014, Hon Life Representative ICS HON, Lifetime Representative Youth  ICS International , FPSBP,AICS,FICS, HonFICS, ASWAN, FSWAN, HonFSWAN, EFMPA, HonPESGSPC, HonTAMAPC
    Chairman Young Photographers Of The World 2015, Under The FIAP And ICS Auspices
    Mobile: 00966556669262
    P.O.Box 42246
    Jeddah 21541
    Saudi Arabia

من فريد ظفور

مصور محترف حائز على العديد من الجوائز العالمية و المحلية في مجال التصوير الفوتوغرافي.