سقطت عصا “إنيو موريكوني”.. المايسترو الإيطالي الذي أحدث ثورة بموسيقى أفلام الغرب الأميركي

رحيل المايسترو الإيطالي إنيو موريكوني بعد أن قدم 500 مقطوعة موسيقية (غيتي إيميجز)

سقطت عصا “المايسترو” من يد عبقري الموسيقى العالمية، الإيطالي إنيو موريكوني (1928-2020)، بوفاته فجر الاثنين عن عمر ناهز 91 عاما، بعد أن ظل يُلوّح بها للأوركسترا التي عزفت له نحو 500 مقطوعة موسيقية لأفلام ومسلسلات “ويسترن”، ورومانسي وكوميدي ودراما وإثارة ورعب، بالإضافة إلى 100 عمل موسيقي كلاسيكي، على مدى 7 عقود.

اشتهر موريكوني بمؤلف “الويسترن سباغيتي” (The Western Spaghetti)، بعد أن جاء من بلده إيطاليا ليفجر ثورة في أفلام الغرب الأميركي مع المخرج سيرجيو ليوني، عبر الابتكارات والأدوات غير التقليدية التي أدخلها في التأليف الموسيقي كالأجراس والقيثارات الإسبانية والهارمونيكا والإيقاعات التي لا تُنسى، كأنه أضاف حيوية “معكرونة السباغيتي” الإيطالية الشهية إلى سخونة شرائح لحم ثقافة “الكاوبوي” (Cowboy) القاسية.

أدهش موريكوني هوليوود بنوع من الموسيقى التصويرية حملت كثيرا من الأفلام نحو الخلود، بدأها في ستينيات القرن الماضي بموسيقى فيلم “حفنة من الدولارات”، ثم موسيقى الفيلم الأيقونة “الطيب والشرير والقبيح”، وصولا إلى عام 2015 حيث رائعته “الثمانية المكروهون”، التي منحته الأوسكار. فإلى باقة من موسيقى أفلامه التي غيّرت صوت السينما إلى الأبد.

“حفنة من الدولارات”

شهد عام 1964 إنتاج فيلم “حفنة من الدولارات” (A Fistful of Dollars) ليكون نقطة البداية لانطلاق تجربة إنيو موريكوني الموسيقية السينمائية المتفردة، بموسيقاه الساحرة في أفلام الغرب الأميركي “الويسترن” التي أخرجها رفيق دربه سيرجيو ليوني في ستينيات القرن الماضي. وعُرفت بموسيقى “الويسترن سباغيتي” التي أبهرت الجمهور وهو يشاهد راعي البقر الغامض “رجل بلا اسم” (كلينت إيستوود) يتهادى شاهرا مسدسه وسط بلدة تكساس الريفية في القرن 19، على إيقاع خلطة موسيقية مدهشة تشكلت من العناصر السيمفونية والطلقات النارية والقيثارات والأجراس وترانيم الكورال وصفير آلة الفلوت؛ لتصبح أول موسيقى تصويرية لا تُنسى في تاريخ السينما، وتؤهل موريكوني للصعود عالميا.

من أجل حفنة أخرى من الدولارات

في العام التالي 1965، وبعد النجاح المذهل الذي حققه، يجد موريكوني الطريق ممهدا لاستكمال تجربته الفريدة مع الفريق نفسه: ليوني مخرجا وايستوود نجما؛ فيؤلف موسيقى فيلم “من أجل حفنة دولارات أخرى” (For a Few Dollars More)، ولكن بمزيد من العبقرية جعلتها تكتسح العالم، حتى وصفها “ليوني” بأنها “لا بديل عنها”، وكان يطلب منه تأليف الموسيقى قبل التصوير حتى يصمم مشاهد الفيلم بوحي منها.

“الطيب والشرير والقبيح”

يأتي عام 1966، ويمضي موريكوني نحو القمة بالعمل الثالث له مع فريق “الويسترن سباغيتي”: ليوني وايستوود، ضمن ما سُمي وقتها “بثلاثية الدولارات”؛ بتقديمه موسيقاه الأكثر شهرة في فيلم “الطيب والشرير والقبيح” (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly)، بألحانها الموضوعية الكلاسيكية مع القيثارات الكهربائية والصرخات الصوتية الدرامية التي تحاكي عواء الذئاب. حتى صارت أيقونة ارتبطت باسم موريكوني، وتخطت شهرتها الفيلم الذي حل في المرتبة التاسعة بقائمة موقع “آي إم دي بي” لأعظم 250 فيلما في التاريخ، وما تزال “أوركسترات” العالم تعزفها حتى اليوم.


“حدث ذات مرة في الغرب”

بمجيء عام 1968، كان جمهور السينما على موعد مع ملحمة كلاسيكية تحكيها موسيقى موريكوني في فيلم “حدث ذات مرة في الغرب” (Once Upon a Time in the West) من إخراج سيرجيو ليوني وبطولة هنري فوندا وتشارلز برونسون. عبر شريط صوتي لموسيقى الهارمونيكا ينقل جميع المكونات المتوقعة لقصة غريبة وغامضة في جو غربي وحشي؛ امرأة يائسة سيئة السمعة، وأرملة جميلة في خطر، وقاتل لا يرحم.

“حدث ذات مرة في أميركا”

في عام 1984، يعود موريكوني مع ملحمة أخرى من ملاحم سيرجيو ليوني، وبطولة روبرت دينيرو، وموسيقى فيلم “حدث ذات مرة في أميركا” (Once Upon a Time in America)، موظفا سحر الهارمونيكا والآلات الوترية لاستكشاف معاني الصداقة والحب المفقود ومرور الوقت، وتوصيل مزيج من المشاعر المخيفة والمروعة التي تبثها العصابات اليهودية في نيويورك، معتبرا هذا العمل “أفضل أعماله”.


“المهمة” (The Mission)

أما في عام 1986، فقد أبدع إنيو موريكوني بدمج جوقة الباروك مع الطبول القبلية، لاستحضار الصدام الثقافي بين اليسوعيين الإسبان والهنود الأمازونيين في القرن 18؛ في موسيقاه التصويرية لفيلم “المهمة” (The Mission) التي رُشحت لجائزة الأوسكار آنذاك، وسرقت الأضواء من إخراج رولاند جوفي، وأداء روبرت دي نيرو وجيريمي آيرون الرائعين.


“الممنوع لمسهم”

وفي العالم التالي 1987، وضعتنا موسيقى موريكوني في أجواء التوتر والخطر وإثارة دراما العصابات، ونحن نشاهد كفاح الوكيل الفدرالي إليوت نيس (كيفن كوستنر) لإيقاف آل كابوني (روبرت دي نيرو)، في فيلم “الممنوع لمسهم” (The Untouchables) للمخرج بريان دي بالما، وموسيقاه المثيرة التي رُشحت لجائزة الأوسكار، وفازت بجائزة “بافتا”.



“سينما باراديسو”

في عام 1988، ألهم المخرج جوزيبي تورناتور المايسترو موريكوني ألحانا شديدة التأثير بقصته عن الصداقة التي جمعت بين صبي صغير وخبير عروض سينمائية، في فيلم “سينما باراديسو” (Cinema Paradiso)، وأشرك فيها ابنه أندريا لأول مرة، وفازت بجائزة “بافتا” عام 1990.

“الثمانية المكروهون” (The Hateful Eight)

ولأن الرحلة مع الأسطورة إنيو موريكوني تطول، سنضطر للقفز إلى عام 2015، حيث قدم واحدا من أروع ألبوماته الموسيقية مع المخرج كوينتين تارانتينو، الذي يعتبره موسيقاره المفضل ويقتبس موسيقاه في جميع أفلامه، من خلال موسيقى جديدة جسدت الشعور بالقلق وعدم الارتياح والتوتر والرعب، في فيلم “الثمانية المكروهون”، وتسلم عنها الجائزة في حفل توزيع جوائز أوسكار 2016.

حصل موريكوني على جائزة الشرف الأكاديمية عام 2007، وفاز بـ3 جوائز غولدن غلوب، بالإضافة إلى 4 جوائز جرامي، و6 جوائز “بافتا”، وباع أكثر من 70 مليون ألبوم.


إنيو موريكوني

Ennio Morricone

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Ennio Morricone
Morricone at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival

Morricone at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival
Background information
Also known as Maestro, Dan Savio, Leo Nichols
Born 10 November 1928
Rome, Kingdom of Italy
Died 6 July 2020 (aged 91)
Rome, Italy
  • Trumpet
Years active 1946–2020
Associated acts

Ennio MorriconeOMRI[1] (Italian: [ˈɛnnjo morriˈkoːne]; 10 November 1928 – 6 July 2020) was an Italian composerorchestratorconductor, and trumpet player who wrote music in a wide range of styles. Morricone composed over 400 scores for cinema and television, as well as over 100 classical works. His score to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) is considered one of the most influential soundtracks in history[2] and was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame.[3] His filmography includes over 70 award-winning films, all Sergio Leone‘s films since A Fistful of Dollars, all Giuseppe Tornatore‘s films since Cinema ParadisoThe Battle of AlgiersDario Argento‘s Animal Trilogy1900Exorcist IIDays of Heaven, several major films in French cinema, in particular the comedy trilogy La Cage aux Folles IIIIII and Le Professionnel, as well as The ThingOnce Upon a Time in AmericaThe MissionThe UntouchablesMission to MarsBugsyDisclosureIn the Line of FireBulworthRipley’s Game and The Hateful Eight.[4] Morricone is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential film composers of all time.[5][6]

After playing the trumpet in jazz bands in the 1940s, he became a studio arranger for RCA Victor and in 1955 started ghost writing for film and theatre. Throughout his career, he composed music for artists such as Paul AnkaMinaMilvaZucchero and Andrea Bocelli. From 1960 to 1975, Morricone gained international fame for composing music for Westerns and—with an estimated 10 million copies sold—Once Upon a Time in the West is one of the best-selling scores worldwide.[7] From 1966 to 1980, he was a main member of Il Gruppo, one of the first experimental composers collectives, and in 1969 he co-founded Forum Music Village, a prestigious recording studio. From the 1970s, Morricone excelled in Hollywood, composing for prolific American directors such as Don SiegelMike NicholsBrian De PalmaBarry LevinsonOliver StoneWarren BeattyJohn Carpenter and Quentin Tarantino. In 1977, he composed the official theme for the 1978 FIFA World Cup. He continued to compose music for European productions, such as Marco PoloLa piovraNostromoFatelessKarol and En mai, fais ce qu’il te plait. Morricone’s music has been reused in television series, including The Simpsons and The Sopranos, and in many films, including Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained. He also scored seven Westerns for Sergio CorbucciDuccio Tessari‘s Ringo duology and Sergio Sollima‘s The Big Gundown and Face to Face. Morricone worked extensively for other film genres with directors such as Bernardo BertolucciMauro BologniniGiuliano MontaldoRoland JofféRoman PolanskiHenri VerneuilLucio Fulci and Umberto Lenzi. His acclaimed soundtrack for The Mission (1986)[8] was certified gold in the United States. The album Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone stayed 105 weeks on the Billboard Top Classical Albums.[9]

Morricone’s best-known compositions include “The Ecstasy of Gold“, “Se Telefonando“, “Man with a Harmonica“, “Here’s to You“, the UK No. 2 single “Chi Mai“, “Gabriel’s Oboe” and “E Più Ti Penso“. In 1971, he received a “Targa d’Oro” for worldwide sales of 22 million,[10] and by 2016 Morricone had sold over 70 million records worldwide.[11] In 2007, he received the Academy Honorary Award “for his magnificent and multifaceted contributions to the art of film music.” He was nominated for a further six Oscars, and in 2016, received his only competitive Academy Award for his score to Quentin Tarantino’s film The Hateful Eight, at the time becoming the oldest person ever to win a competitive Oscar. His other achievements include three Grammy Awards, three Golden Globes, six BAFTAs, ten David di Donatello, eleven Nastro d’Argento, two European Film Awards, the Golden Lion Honorary Award and the Polar Music Prize in 2010. Morricone influenced many artists from film scoring to other styles and genres, including Hans Zimmer,[12] Danger Mouse,[13] Dire Straits,[14] Muse,[15] Metallica,[16] and Radiohead.[17]

Early life and education

Morricone was born in Rome, the son of Libera Ridolfi and Mario Morricone, a musician. At the time of his birth Italy was under fascist rule.[18] His family came from Arpino, near Frosinone. Morricone had four siblings — Adriana, Aldo,[nb 1] Maria, and Franca — and lived in Trastevere in the centre of Rome. His father was a professional trumpet player who performed in light-music orchestras while his mother set up a small textile business.[19]

Morricone’s father first taught him to read music and to play several instruments. He entered the National Academy of Saint Cecilia to take trumpet lessons under the guidance of Umberto Semproni.[18] He formally entered the conservatory in 1940 at age 12, enrolling in a four-year harmony program which he completed within six months. He studied the trumpet, composition, and choral music under the direction of Goffredo Petrassi, to whom Morricone would later dedicate concert pieces.

Goffredo Petrassi, Morricone’s teacher

In 1941 Morricone was chosen among the students of the National Academy of Saint Cecilia to be a part of the Orchestra of the Opera directed by Carlo Zecchi on the occasion of a tour of the Veneto region.[20] He received his diploma in trumpet in 1946,[21] continuing to work in classical composition and arrangement.[18] Morricone received the Diploma in Instrumentation for Band Arrangement with a mark of 9/10 in 1952. His studies concluded at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in 1954 when he obtained a final 9.5/10 in his Diploma in Composition under Petrassi.[22]


First compositions

Morricone wrote his first compositions when he was six years old and was encouraged to develop his natural talents.[23] In 1946, he composed “Il Mattino” (“The Morning”) for voice and piano on a text by Fukuko, first in a group of seven “youth” Lieder.[24]

In the following years, he continued to write music for the theatre as well as classical music for voice and piano, such as “Imitazione”, based on a text by Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi, “Intimità”, based on a text by Olinto Dini, “Distacco I” and “Distacco II” with words by R. Gnoli, “Oboe Sommerso” for baritone and five instruments with words by poet Salvatore Quasimodo and “Verrà la Morte”, for alto and piano, based on a text by novelist Cesare Pavese.[24]

In 1953, Morricone was asked by Gorni Kramer and Lelio Luttazzi to write an arrangement for some medleys in an American style for a series of evening radio shows. The composer continued with the composition of other ‘serious’ classical pieces, thus demonstrating the flexibility and eclecticism which has always been an integral part of his character. Many orchestral and chamber compositions date, in fact, from the period between 1954 and 1959: Musica per archi e pianoforte (1954), Invenzione, Canone e Ricercare per pianoSestetto per flauto, oboe, fagotto, violino, viola e violoncello (1955), Dodici Variazione per oboe, violoncello e pianoTrio per clarinetto, corno e violoncelloVariazione su un tema di Frescobaldi (1956); Quattro pezzi per chitarra (1957); Distanze per violino, violoncello e pianoMusica per undici violini, Tre Studi per flauto, clarinetto e fagotto (1958); and the Concerto per orchestra (1957), dedicated to his teacher Goffredo Petrassi.[24][25]

Morricone soon gained popularity by writing his first background music for radio dramas and quickly moved into film.[26]

Composing for radio, television and pop artists

Morricone’s career as an arranger began in 1950, by arranging the piece Mamma Bianca (Narciso Parigi).[27] In occasion of the “Anno Santo” (Holy Year), he arranged a long group of popular songs of devotion for radio broadcasting.[28]

In 1956, Morricone started to support his family by playing in a jazz band and arranging pop songs for the Italian broadcasting service RAI. He was hired by RAI in 1958, but quit his job on his first day at work when he was told that broadcasting of music composed by employees was forbidden by a company rule. Subsequently, Morricone became a top studio arranger at RCA Victor, working with Renato RascelRita Pavone, Domenico Modugno and Mario Lanza.

Throughout his career, Morricone composed songs for several national and international jazz and pop artists, including Gianni Morandi (Go Kart Twist, 1962), Alberto Lionello (La donna che vale, 1959), Edoardo Vianello (Ornella, 1960; Cicciona cha-cha, 1960; Faccio finta di dormire, 1961; T’ho conosciuta, 1963; ), Nora Orlandi (Arianna, 1960), Jimmy Fontana (Twist no. 9Nicole, 1962), Rita Pavone (Come te non-ce nessuno and Pel di carota from 1962, arranged by Luis Bacalov), Catherine Spaak (Penso a teQuesti vent’anni miei, 1964), Luigi Tenco (Quello che contaTra tanta gente; 1962), Gino Paoli (Nel corso from 1963, written by Morricone with Paoli), Renato Rascel (Scirocco, 1964), Paul Anka (Ogni Volta), Amii Stewart, Rosy Armen (L’Amore Gira), Milva (RideviMetti Una Sera A Cena), Françoise Hardy (Je changerais d’avis, 1966), Mireille Mathieu (Mon ami de toujoursPas vu, pas pris, 1971; J’oublie la pluie et le soleil, 1974) and Demis Roussos (I Like The World, 1970).[29][30]

In 1963, the composer co-wrote (with Roby Ferrante) the music for the composition “Ogni volta” (“Every Time”), a song that was performed by Paul Anka for the first time during the Festival di San Remo in 1964. This song was arranged and conducted by Morricone and sold over three million copies worldwide, including one million copies in Italy alone.[31]

Another particular success was his composition, “Se telefonando.”[32] Performed by Mina, it was a standout track of Studio Uno 66, the fifth-best-selling album of the year 1966 in Italy.[33] Morricone’s sophisticated arrangement of “Se telefonando” was a combination of melodic trumpet lines, Hal Blaine–style drumming, a string set, a ’60s Europop female choir, and intensive subsonic-sounding trombones. The Italian Hitparade No. 7 song had eight transitions of tonality building tension throughout the chorus. During the following decades, the song was recorded by several performers in Italy and abroad including covers by Françoise Hardy and Iva Zanicchi (1966), Delta V (2005), Vanessa and the O’s (2007), and Neil Hannon (2008).[34] Françoise Hardy – Mon amie la rose site in the reader’s poll conducted by the la Repubblica newspaper to celebrate Mina’s 70th anniversary in 2010, 30,000 voters picked the track as the best song ever recorded by Mina.[35]

In 1987, Morricone co-wrote ‘It Couldn’t Happen Here‘ with the Pet Shop Boys. Other compositions for international artists include: La metà di me and Immagina (1988) by Ruggero RaimondiLibera l’amore (1989) performed by ZuccheroLove Affair (1994) by k.d. langHa fatto un sogno (1997) by Antonello VendittiDi Più (1997) by Tiziana Tosca DonatiCome un fiume tu (1998), Un Canto (1998) and Conradian (2006) by Andrea Bocelli, Ricordare (1998) and Salmo (2000) by Angelo Branduardi and My heart and I (2001) by Sting.[36]

First film scores

After graduating in 1954, Morricone started to write and arrange music as a ghost writer for films credited to already well-known composers, while also arranging for many light music orchestras of the RAI television network, working especially with Armando TrovajoliAlessandro Cicognini and Carlo Savina. He occasionally adopted Anglicized pseudonyms, such as Dan Savio and Leo Nichols.[37]

In 1959, Morricone was the conductor (and uncredited co-composer) for Mario Nascimbene‘s score to Morte Di Un Amico (Death of a Friend), an Italian drama directed by Franco Rossi. In the same year, he composed music for the theatre show Il Lieto Fine by Luciano Salce.

The 1960s began on a positive note: 1961 marked in fact his real film debut with Luciano Salce’s Il Federale (The Fascist). In an interview with American composer Fred Karlin, Morricone discussed his beginnings, stating, “My first films were light comedies or costume movies that required simple musical scores that were easily created, a genre that I never completely abandoned even when I went on to much more important films with major directors”.[38]

With Il Federale Morricone began a long-run collaboration with Luciano Salce. In 1962, Morricone composed the jazz-influenced score for Salce’s comedy La voglia matta (Crazy Desire). That year Morricone arranged also Italian singer Edoardo Vianello‘s summer hit “Pinne, Fucile e Occhiali”, a cha-cha song, peppered with added water effects, unusual instrumental sounds and unexpected stops and starts.[39]

Morricone wrote works for the concert hall in a more avant-garde style.[40] Some of these have been recorded, such as Ut, a trumpet concerto dedicated to Mauro Maur.[41]

The Group and New Consonance

From 1964 up to their eventual disbandment in 1980, Morricone was part of Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza (G.I.N.C.), a group of composers who performed and recorded avant-garde free improvisations. The Rome-based avant-garde ensemble was dedicated to the development of improvisation and new music methods. The ensemble functioned as a laboratory of sorts, working with anti-musical systems and sound techniques in an attempt to redefine the new music ensemble and explore “New Consonance.”[42]

Known as “The Group” or “Il Gruppo,” they released seven albums across the Deutsche Grammophon, RCA and Cramps labels: Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza (1966), The Private Sea of Dreams (1967), Improvisationen (1968), The Feed-back (1970), Improvvisazioni a Formazioni Variate (1973), Nuova Consonanza (1975) and Musica su Schemi (1976). Perhaps the most famous of these is their album entitled The Feed-back, which combines free jazz and avant-garde classical music with funk; the album is frequently sampled by hip hop DJs and is considered to be one of the most collectable records in existence, often fetching over $1,000 at auction.[43]

Morricone played a key role in The Group and was among the core members in its revolving line-up; in addition to serving as their trumpet player, he directed them on many occasions and they can be heard on a large number of his scores.[44] Held in high regard in avant-garde music circles, they are considered to be the first experimental composers collective, their only peers being the British improvisation collective AMM. Their influence can be heard in free improvising ensembles from the European movements including the Evan Parker Electro-Acoustic Ensemble, the Swiss electronic free improvisation group Voice CrackJohn Zorn[45] and in the techniques of modern classical music and avant-garde jazz groups. The ensemble’s groundbreaking work informed their work in composition. The ensemble also performed in varying capacities with Morricone, contributing to some of his ’60s and ’70s Italian soundtracks, including A Quiet Place in the Country (1969) and Cold Eyes of Fear (1971).[46]

Film music genres


Morricone’s earliest scores were Italian light comedy and costume pictures, where he learned to write simple, memorable themes. During the sixties and seventies he composed the scores for comedies such as Eighteen in the Sun (Diciottenni al sole, 1962), Il Successo (1963), Lina Wertmüller‘s I basilischi (The Basilisks/The Lizards, 1963),[38] Slalom (1965), Menage all’italiana (Menage Italian Style, 1965), How I Learned to Love Women (Come imparai ad amare le donne, 1966), Her Harem (L’harem, 1967), A Fine Pair (Ruba al prossimo tuo, 1968), L’Alibi (1969), This Kind of Love (Questa specie d’amore, 1972), Winged Devils (Forza “G”, 1972) and Fiorina la vacca (1972).

His best-known scores for comedies includes La Cage aux Folles (1978) and La Cage aux Folles II (1980), both directed by Édouard MolinaroIl ladrone (The Good Thief, 1980), Georges Lautner‘s La Cage aux Folles 3: The Wedding (1985), Pedro Almodóvar‘s Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (1990) and Warren Beatty’s Bulworth (1998). Morricone never ceased to arrange and write music for comedies. In 2007, he composed a lighthearted score for the Italian romantic comedy Tutte le Donne della mia Vita by Simona Izzo, the director who co-wrote the Morricone-scored religious mini-series Il Papa Buono.[47]


Though his first films were undistinguished, Morricone’s arrangement of an American folk song intrigued director and former schoolmate Sergio Leone. Before being associated with Leone, Morricone had already composed some music for less-known western movies such as Duello nel Texas (aka Gunfight at Red Sands) (1963). In 1962, Morricone met American folksinger Peter Tevis, with the two collaborating on a version of Woody Guthrie‘s Pastures of Plenty. Tevis is credited with singing the lyrics of Morricone’s songs such as “A Gringo Like Me” (from Gunfight at Red Sands) and “Lonesome Billy” (from Bullets Don’t Argue).[48] Tevis later recorded a vocal version of A Fistful of Dollars that was not used in the film.

Association with Sergio Leone

The turning point in Morricone’s career took place in 1964, the year in which his third child, Andrea Morricone, who would also become a film composer, was born. Film director Sergio Leone hired Morricone, and together they created a distinctive score to accompany Leone’s different version of the WesternA Fistful of Dollars (1964).[49]

The Dollars Trilogy

Because budget strictures limited Morricone’s access to a full orchestra, he used gunshots, cracking whips, whistle, voices, jew’s harp, trumpets, and the new Fender electric guitar, instead of orchestral arrangements of Western standards à la John Ford. Morricone used his special effects to punctuate and comically tweak the action—cluing in the audience to the taciturn man’s ironic stance.[18]:69–77

As memorable as Leone’s close-ups, harsh violence, and black comedy, Morricone’s work helped to expand the musical possibilities of film scoring. Morricone was initially billed on the film as Dan Savio. A Fistful of Dollars came out in Italy in 1964 and was released in America three years later, greatly popularising the so-called Spaghetti Western genre. For the American release, Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone decided to adopt American-sounding names, so they called themselves respectively Bob Robertson and Dan Savio. Over the film’s theatrical release, it grossed more than any other Italian film up to that point.[50] The film debuted in the United States in January 1967, where it grossed US$4.5 million for the year.[50] It eventually grossed $14.5 million in its American release,[50] against its budget of US$200,000.[51][52]

With the score of A Fistful of Dollars, Morricone began his 20-year collaboration with his childhood friend Alessandro Alessandroni and his Cantori Moderni.[53] Alessandroni provided the whistling and the twanging guitar on the film scores, while his Cantori Moderni were a flexible troupe of modern singers. Morricone specifically exploited the solo soprano of the group, Edda Dell’Orso, at the height of her powers “an extraordinary voice at my disposal”.[54]

The composer subsequently scored Leone’s other two Dollars Trilogy (or Man With No Name Trilogy) spaghetti westerns: For a Few Dollars More (1965) and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966). All three films starred the American actor Clint Eastwood as The Man With No Name and depicted Leone’s own intense vision of the mythical West. Morricone commented in 2007: “Some of the music was written before the film, which was unusual. Leone’s films were made like that because he wanted the music to be an important part of it; he kept the scenes longer because he did not want the music to end.” According to Morricone this explains “why the films are so slow.”[55]

Despite the small film budgets, the Dollars Trilogy was a box-office success. The available budget for The Good, the Bad and The Ugly was about US$1.2 million, but it became the most successful film of the Dollars Trilogy, grossing US$25.1 million in the United States and over 2,3 billion lire (1,2 million EUR) in Italy alone. Morricone’s score became a major success and sold over three million copies worldwide, earning him over 200 million dollars. On 14 August 1968 the original score was certified by the RIAA with a golden record for the sale of 500,000 copies in the United States alone.[56]

The Ecstasy of Gold” became one of Morricone’s best-known compositions. The opening scene of Jeff Tremaine‘s Jackass Number Two (2006), in which the cast is chased through a suburban neighbourhood by bulls, is accompanied by this piece. While punk rock band the Ramones used “The Ecstasy of Gold” as closing theme during their live performances, Metallica uses “The Ecstasy of Gold” as the introductory music for its concerts since 1983[57][58] This composition is also included on Metallica’s live symphonic album S&M as well as the live album Live Shit: Binge & Purge. An instrumental metal cover by Metallica (with minimal vocals by lead singer James Hetfield) appeared on the 2007 Morricone tribute album We All Love Ennio Morricone. This metal version was nominated for a Grammy Award in the category of Best Rock Instrumental Performance. In 2009, the Grammy Award-winning hip-hop artist Coolio extensively sampled the theme for his song “Change”.[59]

Once Upon a Time in the West and others

Subsequent to the success of the Dollars trilogy, Morricone also composed the scores for Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) and Leone’s last credited western film A Fistful of Dynamite (1971),[60] as well as the score for My Name Is Nobody (1973).[61]

Morricone’s score for Once Upon a Time in the West is one of the best-selling original instrumental scores in the world today, with up to 10 million copies sold, including one million copies[62][63] in France and over 800,000 copies[64] in the Netherlands.[65][66] One of the main themes from the score, “A Man with Harmonica” (L’uomo Dell’armonica), became known worldwide and sold over 1,260,000 copies in France.[67]

The collaboration with Leone is considered one of the exemplary collaborations between a director and a composer. Morricone’s last score for Leone was for his last film, the gangster drama Once Upon a Time in America (1984). Leone died on 30 April 1989 of a heart attack at the age of 60. Before his death in 1989, Leone was part-way through planning a film on the Siege of Leningrad, set during World War II. By 1989, Leone had been able to acquire US$100 million in financing from independent backers for the war epic. He had convinced Morricone to compose the film score. The project was cancelled when Leone died two days before he was to officially sign on for the film. In early 2003, Italian filmmaker Giuseppe Tornatore announced he would direct a film called Leningrad.[68] The film has yet to go into production and Morricone was cagey as to details on account of Tornatore’s superstitious nature.[69]

Association with Sergio Corbucci and Sergio Sollima

Two years after the start of his collaboration with Sergio Leone, Morricone also started to score music for another Spaghetti Western director, Sergio Corbucci. The composer wrote music for Corbucci’s Navajo Joe (1966), The Hellbenders (1967), The Mercenary/The Professional Gun (1968), The Great Silence (1968), Compañeros (1970), Sonny and Jed (1972) and What Am I Doing in the Middle of the Revolution? (1972).[70][71]

In addition, Morricone composed music for the western films by Sergio SollimaThe Big Gundown (with Lee Van Cleef, 1966), Face to Face (1967) and Run, Man, Run (1968), as well as the 1970 crime thriller Violent City (with Charles Bronson) and the poliziottesco film Revolver (1973).[70][72][73]

Other westerns

Other relevant scores for less popular Spaghetti Westerns include Duello nel Texas (1963), Bullets Don’t Argue (1964), A Pistol for Ringo (1965), The Return of Ringo (1965), Seven Guns for the MacGregors (1966), The Hills Run Red (1966), Giulio Petroni‘s Death Rides a Horse (1967) and Tepepa (1968), A Bullet for the General (1967), Guns for San Sebastian (with Charles Bronson and Anthony Quinn, 1968), A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof (1968), The Five Man Army (1969), Don Siegel‘s Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970), Life Is Tough, Eh Providence? (1972) and Buddy Goes West (1981).[18]:115–117

Dramas and political movies

With Leone’s films, Ennio Morricone’s name had been put firmly on the map. Most of Morricone’s film scores of the 1960s were composed outside the Spaghetti Western genre, while still using Alessandroni’s team. Their music included the themes for Il Malamondo (1964), Slalom (1965) and Listen, Let’s Make Love (1967). In 1968, Morricone reduced his work outside the movie business and wrote scores for 20 films in the same year. The scores included psychedelic accompaniment for Mario Bava‘s superhero romp Danger: Diabolik (1968).[74]

Morricone in 2007

Morricone collaborated with Marco Bellocchio (Fists in the Pocket, 1965), Gillo Pontecorvo (The Battle of Algiers (1966) and Queimada! (1969) with Marlon Brando), Roberto Faenza (H2S, 1968), Giuliano Montaldo (Sacco e Vanzetti, 1971), Giuseppe Patroni Griffi (‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore, 1971), Mauro Bolognini (Drama of the Rich, 1974), Umberto Lenzi (Almost Human, 1974), Pier Paolo Pasolini (Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom, 1975), Bernardo Bertolucci (Novecento, 1976) and Tinto Brass (The Key, 1983).[18]:115–116

In 1970, Morricone wrote the score for Violent City. That same year, he received his first Nastro d’Argento for the music in Metti, una sera a cena (Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, 1969) and his second only a year later for Sacco e Vanzetti (Giuliano Montaldo, 1971), in which he collaborated with the legendary American folk singer and activist Joan Baez. His soundtrack for Sacco e Vanzetti contains another well-known composition by Morricone, the folk song “Here’s to You“, sung by Joan Baez. For the writing of the lyrics, Baez was inspired by a letter from Bartolomeo Vanzetti: “Father, yes, I am a prisoner / Fear not to relay my crime”. The song became a hit in several countries, selling over 790,000 copies in France only.[75] The song was later included in movies such as The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.[76]

In the beginning of the 1970s, Morricone achieved success with other singles, including A Fistful of Dynamite (1971) and God With Us (1974), having sold respectively 477,000 and 378,000 copies in France only.[77][78]


In 1977 Morricone scored John Boorman‘s Exorcist II: The Heretic and Alberto De Martino‘s apocalyptic horror film Holocaust 2000, starring Kirk Douglas. In 1982 he composed the score for John Carpenter‘s science fiction horror movie The Thing.[79]

Hollywood career

The Dollars Trilogy was not released in the United States until 1967 when United Artists, who had already enjoyed success distributing the British-produced James Bond films in the United States, decided to release Sergio Leone’s Spaghetti Westerns. The American release gave Morricone an exposure in America and his film music became quite popular in the United States.[80]

One of Morricone’s first contributions to an American director concerned his music for the religious epic film The Bible: In the Beginning… by John Huston. According to Sergio Miceli’s book Morricone, la musica, il cinema, Morricone wrote about 15 or 16 minutes of music, which were recorded for a screen test and conducted by Franco Ferrara. At first Morricone’s teacher Goffredo Petrassi had been engaged to write the score for the great big budget epic, but Huston preferred another composer. RCA Records then proposed Morricone who was under contract with them, but a conflict between the film’s producer Dino De Laurentiis and RCA occurred. The producer wanted to have the exclusive rights for the soundtrack, while RCA still had the monopoly on Morricone at that time and did not want to release the composer. Subsequently, Morricone’s work was rejected because he did not get the permission by RCA to work for Dino De Laurentiis alone. The composer reused the parts of his unused score for The Bible: In the Beginning in such films as The Return of Ringo (1965) by Duccio Tessari and Alberto Negrin’s The Secret of the Sahara (1987).

Morricone never left Rome to compose his music and never learned to speak English. But given that the composer always worked in a wide field of composition genres, from “absolute music“, which he always produced, to “applied music”, working as orchestrator as well as conductor in the recording field, and then as a composer for theatre, radio and cinema, the impression arises that he never really cared that much about his standing in the eyes of Hollywood.[81]

1970–1985: from Two Mules to Red Sonja

In 1970, Morricone composed the music for Don Siegel‘s Two Mules for Sister Sara, an American-Mexican western film starring Shirley MacLaine and Clint Eastwood. The same year the composer also delivered the title theme The Men from Shiloh for the American Western television series The Virginian.[82]

In 1974-1975 Morricone wrote music for Spazio 1999, an Italian-produced compilation movie made to launch the Italian-British TV series Space: 1999,[83] while the original episodes featured music by Barry Gray. A soundtrack album was only released on CD in 2016[84] and on LP in 2017.[85] In 1975 he scored the George Kennedy revenge thriller The “Human” Factor, which was the final film of director Edward Dmytryk. Two years later he composed the score for the sequel to William Friedkin‘s 1973 film The Exorcist, directed by John BoormanExorcist II: The Heretic. The horror film was a major disappointment at the box office. The film grossed US$30,749,142 in the United States.[86]

In 1978, the composer worked with Terrence Malick for Days of Heaven starring Richard Gere, for which he earned his first nomination at the Oscars for Best Original Score.[87]

Despite the fact that Morricone had produced some of the most popular and widely imitated film music ever written throughout the 1960s and ’70s, Days of Heaven earned him his first Oscar nomination for Best Original Score, with his score up against Jerry Goldsmith‘s The Boys from BrazilDave Grusin‘s Heaven Can WaitGiorgio Moroder‘s Midnight Express (the eventual winner) and John Williams‘s Superman: The Movie at the Oscar ceremonies in 1979.[88]

1986 onwards: from The Mission to The Hateful Eight

Association with Roland Joffé

The Mission, directed by Joffé, was about a piece of history considerably more distant, as Spanish Jesuit missionaries see their work undone as a tribe of Paraguayan natives fall within a territorial dispute between the Spanish and Portuguese. At one point the score was one of the world’s best-selling film scores, selling over 3 million copies worldwide.[89][90]

Morricone finally received a second Oscar nomination for The Mission.[91] Morricone’s original score lost out to Herbie Hancock‘s coolly arranged jazz on Bertrand Tavernier‘s Round Midnight. It was considered as a surprising win and a controversial one, given that much of the music in the film was pre-existing.[92] Morricone stated the following during a 2001 interview with The Guardian: “I definitely felt that I should have won for The Mission. Especially when you consider that the Oscar-winner that year was Round Midnight, which was not an original score. It had a very good arrangement by Herbie Hancock, but it used existing pieces. So there could be no comparison with The Mission. There was a theft!”[93] His score for The Mission was ranked at number 1 in a poll of the all-time greatest film scores. The top 10 list was compiled by 40 film composers such as Michael Giacchino and Carter Burwell.[92] The score is ranked 23rd on the AFI’s list of 25 greatest film scores of all time.[94]

Association with De Palma and Levinson

On three occasions, Brian De Palma worked with Morricone: The Untouchables (1987), the 1989 war drama Casualties of War and the science fiction film Mission to Mars (2000).[79] Morricone’s score for The Untouchables resulted in his third nomination for Academy Award for Best Original Score.[95]

In a 2001 interview with The Guardian, Morricone stated that he had good experiences with De Palma: “De Palma is delicious! He respects music, he respects composers. For The Untouchables, everything I proposed to him was fine, but then he wanted a piece that I didn’t like at all, and of course we didn’t have an agreement on that. It was something I didn’t want to write – a triumphal piece for the police. I think I wrote nine different pieces for this in total and I said, ‘Please don’t choose the seventh!’ because it was the worst. And guess what he chose? The seventh one. But it really suits the movie.”[93]

Another American director, Barry Levinson, commissioned the composer on two occasions. First, for the crime-drama Bugsy, starring Warren Beatty, which received ten Oscar nominations,[96] winning two for Best Art Direction-Set Decoration (Dennis GassnerNancy Haigh) and Best Costume Design.[97]

“He doesn’t have a piano in his studio, I always thought that with composers, you sit at the piano, and you try to find the melody. There’s no such thing with Morricone. He hears a melody, and he writes it down. He hears the orchestration completely done,” said Levinson in an interview.[98]

Other notable Hollywood scores

During his career in Hollywood, Morricone was approached for numerous other projects, including the Gregory Nava drama A Time of Destiny (1988),[99] Frantic by Polish-French director Roman Polanski (1988, starring Harrison Ford), Franco Zeffirelli‘s 1990 drama film Hamlet (starring Mel Gibson and Glenn Close), the neo-noir[100] crime film State of Grace by Phil Joanou (1990, starring Sean Penn and Ed Harris),[101] Rampage (1992) by William Friedkin,[102] and the romantic drama Love Affair (1994) by Warren Beatty.[103]

Association with Quentin Tarantino

In 2009, Tarantino originally wanted Morricone to compose the film score for Inglourious Basterds.[104][105] Morricone was unable to, because the film’s sped-up production schedule conflicted with his scoring of Giuseppe Tornatore’s Baarìa.[106] However, Tarantino did use eight tracks composed by Morricone in the film, with four of them included on the soundtrack. The tracks came originally from Morricone’s scores for The Big Gundown (1966), Revolver (1973) and Allonsanfàn (1974).[107][108]

In 2012, Morricone composed the song “Ancora Qui” with lyrics by Italian singer Elisa for Tarantino’s Django Unchained, a track that appeared together with three existing music tracks composed by Morricone on the soundtrack. “Ancora Qui” was one of the contenders for an Academy Award nomination in the Best Original Song category, but eventually the song was not nominated.[109] On 4 January 2013 Morricone presented Tarantino with a Life Achievement Award at a special ceremony being cast as a continuation of the International Rome Film Festival.[110] In 2014, Morricone was misquoted, as claiming that he would “never work” with Tarantino again,[111] and later agreed to write an original film score for Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight, which won an Academy Award in 2016 in the Best Original Score category.[112]

Composer for Giuseppe Tornatore

In 1988, Morricone started an ongoing and very successful collaboration with Italian director Giuseppe Tornatore. His first score for Tornatore was for the drama film Cinema Paradiso. The international version of the film won the Special Jury Prize at the 1989 Cannes Film Festival[113] and the 1989 Best Foreign Language Film Oscar. Morricone received a BAFTA award with his son Andrea, and a David di Donatello for his score. In 2002, the director’s cut 173-minute version was released (known in the US as Cinema Paradiso: The New Version).[112] After the success of Cinema Paradiso, the composer wrote the music for all subsequent films by Tornatore: the drama film Everybody’s Fine (Stanno Tutti Bene, 1990), A Pure Formality (1994) starring Gérard Depardieu and Roman Polanski, The Star Maker (1995), The Legend of 1900 (1998) starring Tim Roth, the 2000 romantic drama Malèna (which featured Monica Bellucci) and the psychological thriller mystery film La sconosciuta (2006). Morricone also composed the scores for Baarìa (2009), The Best Offer (2013) starring Geoffrey RushJim Sturgess and Donald Sutherland and the romantic drama The Correspondence (2015)[112]

The composer won several music awards for his scores to Tornatore’s movies. So, Morricone received a fifth Academy Award nomination and a Golden Globe nomination for Malèna. For Legend of 1900, he won a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score.[114]

Television series and last works

Morricone wrote the score for the Mafia television series La piovra seasons 2 to 10 from 1985 to 2001, including the themes “Droga e sangue” (“Drugs and Blood”), “La Morale”, and “L’Immorale”. Morricone worked as the conductor of seasons 3 to 5 of the series. He also worked as the music supervisor for the television project La bibbia (“The Bible”).[115] In the late 1990s, he collaborated with his son Andrea on the Ultimo crime dramas, resulting in Ultimo (1998), Ultimo 2 – La sfida (1999), Ultimo 3 – L’infiltrato (2004) and Ultimo 4 – L’occhio del falco (2013).[116] In the 2000s, Morricone continued to compose music for successful television series such as Il Cuore nel Pozzo (2005), Karol: A Man Who Became Pope (2005), La provinciale (2006), Giovanni Falcone (2007), Pane e libertà (2009) and Come Un Delfino 1–2 (2011–2013).[117]

Morricone provided the string arrangements on Morrissey’s “Dear God Please Help Me” from the album Ringleader of the Tormentors in 2006.[118]

In 2008, the composer recorded music for a Lancia commercial, featuring Richard Gere and directed by Harald Zwart (known for directing The Pink Panther 2).[119]

In spring and summer 2010, Morricone worked with Hayley Westenra for a collaboration on her album Paradiso.[120] The album features new songs written by Morricone, as well as some of his best-known film compositions of the last 50 years.[121][122] Hayley recorded the album with Morricone’s orchestra in Rome during the summer of 2010.[123][124][125]

Since 1995, he composed the music for several advertising campaigns of Dolce & Gabbana. The commercials were directed by Giuseppe Tornatore.[126]

In 2013, Morricone collaborated with Italian singer-songwriter Laura Pausini on a new version of her hit single “La solitudine” for her 20 years anniversary greatest hits album 20 – The Greatest Hits.[127]

Morricone composed the music for The Best Offer (2013) by Giuseppe Tornatore.[128]

He wrote the score for Christian Carion’s En mai, fais ce qu’il te plait (2015) and the most recent movie by Tornatore: The Correspondence (2016), featuring Jeremy Irons and Olga Kurylenko.[129] In July 2015, Quentin Tarantino announced after the screening of footage of his movie The Hateful Eight at the San Diego Comic-Con International that Morricone would score the film, the first Western that Morricone scored since 1981.[130] The score was critically acclaimed and won several awards including the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score and the Academy Award for Best Original Score.[131][132]

Live performances

Morricone in the Festhalle Frankfurt in 2015

Before receiving his diplomas in trumpet, composition and instrumentation from the conservatory, Morricone was already active as a trumpet player, often performing in an orchestra that specialised in music written for films. After completing his education at Saint Cecilia, the composer honed his orchestration skills as an arranger for Italian radio and television. In order to support himself, he moved to RCA in the early sixties and entered the front ranks of the Italian recording industry.[133] Since 1964, Morricone was also a founding member of the Rome-based avant-garde ensemble Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza. During the existence of the group (until 1978), Morricone performed several times with the group as trumpet player.[134]

To ready his music for live performance, he joined smaller pieces of music together into longer suites. Rather than single pieces, which would require the audience to applaud every few minutes, Morricone thought the best idea was to create a series of suites lasting from 15 to 20 minutes, which form a sort of symphony in various movements – alternating successful pieces with personal favourites. In concert, Morricone normally had 180 to 200 musicians and vocalists under his baton, performing multiple genre-crossing collections of music. Rock, symphonic and ethnic instruments share the stage.[135]

On 20 September 1984 Morricone conducted the Orchestre national des Pays de la Loire at Cinésymphonie ’84 (“Première nuit de la musique de film/First night of film music”) in the French concert hall Salle Pleyel in Paris. He performed some of his best-known compositions such as Metti, una sera a cenaNovecento and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.[136] Michel Legrand and Georges Delerue performed on the same evening.[137]

On 15 October 1987 Morricone gave a concert in front of 12,000 people in the Sportpaleis in Antwerp, Belgium, with the Dutch Metropole Orchestra and the Italian operatic soprano Alide Maria Salvetta.[138] A live-album with a recording of this concert was released in the same year.[139]

On 9 June 2000 Morricone went to the Flanders International Film Festival Ghent to conduct his music together with the National Orchestra of Belgium.[140] During the concert’s first part, the screening of The Life and Death of King Richard III (1912) was accompanied with live music by Morricone. It was the very first time that the score was performed live in Europe. The second part of the evening consisted of an anthology of the composer’s work. The event took place on the eve of Euro 2000, the European Football Championship in Belgium and the Netherlands.[141]

Morricone performed over 250 concerts as of 2001.[142] The composer started a world tour in 2001, the latter part sponsored by Giorgio Armani, with the Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta, touring London (Barbican 2001; 75th birthday Concerto, Royal Albert Hall 2003), Paris, Verona, and Tokyo. Morricone performed his classic film scores at the Gasteig in Munich in 2004.[143]

Morricone at the United Nations Headquarters

He made his North American concert debut on 3 February 2007 at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The previous evening, Morricone had already presented at the United Nations a concert comprising some of his film themes, as well as the cantata Voci dal silenzio to welcome the new Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon. A Los Angeles Times review bemoaned the poor acoustics and opined of Morricone: “His stick technique is adequate, but his charisma as a conductor is zero.”[144]

On 22 December 2012 Morricone conducted the 85-piece Belgian orchestra “Orkest der Lage Landen” and a 100-piece choir during a two-hour concert in the Sportpaleis in Antwerp.[145]

In November 2013 Morricone began a world tour to coincide with the 50th anniversary of his film music career and performed in locations such as the Crocus City Hall in Moscow, Santiago, Chile, Berlin, Germany (O2 World, Germany), Budapest, Hungary, and Vienna (Stadhalle). Back in June 2014, Morricone had to cancel a US tour in New York (Barclays Center) and Los Angeles (Nokia Theatre LA Live) due to a back procedure on 20 February. Morricone postponed the rest of his world tour.[146]

In November 2014 Morricone stated that he would resume his European tour starting from February 2015.[147]

Personal life and death

On 13 October 1956, Morricone married Maria Travia, whom he had met in 1950. Travia wrote lyrics to complement her husband’s pieces. Her works include the Latin texts for The Mission. They had three sons and a daughter: Marco (1957), Alessandra (1961), the conductor and film composer Andrea (1964), and Giovanni Morricone (1966), a filmmaker, who lives in New York City.[148]

Morricone lived in Italy his entire life and never desired to live in Hollywood. The New York Times Magazine listed him among hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire.[149]

Morricone described himself as a Christian leftist,[150] stating that he voted for the Christian Democracy (DC) for more than 40 years[151] and then, after its dissolution in 1994, he approached the centre-left coalition.[152]

On 6 July 2020, Morricone died at the Università Campus Bio-Medico in Rome, aged 91, as a result of injuries sustained during a fall.[153][154]


Ennio Morricone influenced many artists from other styles and genres, including Danger Mouse,[13] Dire Straits,[14] Muse,[15] Metallica,[16] Radiohead[17] and Hans Zimmer.[12]


Morricone sold well over 70 million records worldwide during his career that spanned over seven decades,[168][169] including 6.5 million albums and singles in France,[170] over three million in the United States and more than two million albums in South Korea.[171] In 1971, the composer received his first golden record (disco d’oro) for the sale of 1,000,000 records in Italy[172][173] and a “Targa d’Oro” for the worldwide sales of 22 million.[10]

Prizes and awards

Morricone receives the Per Artem ad Deum Medal (English: Through Arts to God) from archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi

Morricone received his first Academy Award nomination in 1979 for the score to Days of Heaven (Terrence Malick, 1978).[91] He received his second Oscar nomination for The Mission.[91] He also received Oscar nominations for his scores to The Untouchables (1987), Bugsy (1991), Malèna (2000), and The Hateful Eight (2016).[91] In February 2016, Morricone won his first competitive Academy Award for his score to The Hateful Eight.[174] Morricone and Alex North are the only composers to receive the Academy Honorary Award since its introduction in 1928.[175] He received the award in February 2007, “for his magnificent and multifaceted contributions to the art of film music.”[176] In 2005, four film scores by Ennio Morricone were nominated by the American Film Institute for an honoured place in the AFI’s Top 25 of Best American Film Scores of All Time.[177] His score for The Mission was ranked 23rd in the Top 25 list.[178] Morricone was nominated seven times for a Grammy Award. In 2009 The Recording Academy inducted his score for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) into the Grammy Hall of Fame

إنيو موريكوني
(بالإيطاليةEnnio Morricone)‏  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P1559) في ويكي بيانات
Ennio Morricone Cannes 2007 edited.jpg

معلومات شخصية
الميلاد 10 نوفمبر 1928[1][2][3][4][5][6]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P569) في ويكي بيانات
روما[7]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P19) في ويكي بيانات
الوفاة 6 يوليو 2020 (91 سنة) [8][9]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P570) في ويكي بيانات
روما[10]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P20) في ويكي بيانات
سبب الوفاة كسر الفخذ[11]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P509) في ويكي بيانات
الإقامة روما  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P551) في ويكي بيانات
مواطنة Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P27) في ويكي بيانات
أبناء أندريا موريكوني  [لغات أخرى]،  وجيوفاني موريكوني  [لغات أخرى]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P40) في ويكي بيانات
عدد الأولاد 4   تعديل قيمة خاصية (P1971) في ويكي بيانات
الحياة الفنية
النوع أفلمة الموسيقى  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P136) في ويكي بيانات
الآلات الموسيقية ترومبيت  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P1303) في ويكي بيانات
شركة الإنتاج فيرجن  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P264) في ويكي بيانات
المدرسة الأم أكاديمية سانتا تشيشيليا الوطنية  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P69) في ويكي بيانات
تعلم لدى غوفريدو باتراسي  [لغات أخرى]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P1066) في ويكي بيانات
المهنة ملحن،  وموزع  [لغات أخرى] ،  وعازف بيانو،  ومؤلف موسيقى تصويرية  [لغات أخرى][12]،  وموزع موسيقي  [لغات أخرى]   تعديل قيمة خاصية (P106) في ويكي بيانات
اللغات الإيطالية  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P1412) في ويكي بيانات
موظف في أكاديمية سانتا تشيشيليا الوطنية  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P108) في ويكي بيانات
أعمال بارزة الطيب، والشرير، والقبيح  [لغات أخرى]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P800) في ويكي بيانات
الرياضة شطرنج  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P641) في ويكي بيانات
جائزة أميرة أشتوريس للفنون  [لغات أخرى] (2020)

ITA OMRI 2001 GC BAR.svg

نيشان الاستحقاق للجمهورية الإيطالية من رتبة الصليب الأعظم  [لغات أخرى]  (2017)
ميدالية بوهيميا لأصحاب الحرف  [لغات أخرى] (2015)
جائزة غرامي للأمناء  [لغات أخرى] (2014)
جائزة الفيلم الأوروبي لأفضل ملحن  [لغات أخرى] (عن عمل:أفضل عرض) (2013)[13]

Legion Honneur Chevalier ribbon.svg

وسام جوقة الشرف من رتبة فارس  [لغات أخرى]  (2009)

ITA OMRI 2001 GUff BAR.svg

نيشان استحقاق الجمهورية الإيطالية من رتبة ضابط أكبر  [لغات أخرى] (2005)[14]


الميدالية الذهبية لنيشان الاستحقاق الإيطالي للثقافة والفنون  [لغات أخرى] (2000)[15]
جائزة إنجاز العمر لأكاديمية الأفلام الأوروبية  [لغات أخرى] (1999)[16]

ITA OMRI 2001 Com BAR.svg

نيشان الاستحقاق للجمهورية الإيطالية من رتبة قائد  [لغات أخرى] (1995)[17]
جائزة نمر الشرف  [لغات أخرى] (1989)
ناسترو دي أرجنتو لأفضل قطعة موسيقية  [لغات أخرى] (1965)[18]

Grammy Award icon.svg

جائزة غرامي
جائزة الأوسكار لأفضل موسيقى تصويرية  (عن عمل:الحاقدون الثمانية)

JPN Kyokujitsu-sho 4Class BAR.svg

وسام الشمس المشرقة من الدرجة الرابعة  [لغات أخرى]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P166) في ويكي بيانات

الموقع الموقع الرسمي  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P856) في ويكي بيانات
IMDB صفحته على IMDB  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P345) في ويكي بيانات

إنيو موريكوني (بالإيطاليةEnnio Morricone)، ولد في 10 نوفمبر 1928.[19][20][21] وتوفي 6 يوليو 2020)[22] موسيقي إيطالي له العديد من الأعمال، خصوصا في مجال الموسيقى التصويرية. حيث ألف، ولحن أكثر من 500 فيلما[23]، وإنتاجا تلفزيونيا، أكثر من أي موسيقي آخر. أشهر أعماله هي الألحان، والمقاطع الموسيقية التي تميزت بها أفلام المخرج الإيطالي سيرجيو ليوني، فيما عرف بأفلام سباغيتي وسترن وقبضة مليئة بالدولارات، من أجل المزيد من الدولارات، الطيب والشرس والقبيح وحدث ذات مرة في أمريكا.

رغم ذلك، فإن أفلام الوسترن التي قام بتأليف الموسيقى التصويرية لها لا تتعدى الثلاثين فيلماً. فقد ألف موسيقى عدد من الأفلام المشهورة مثل المهمة، المنبوذون، سينما براديسو، لوليتا، وملينيا.

نال موريكوني جائزة الأوسكار لأفضل موسيقى تصويرية أصلية في عام 2016 عن فيلم الحاقدون الثمانية. وحصل على جائزة الشرف الأكاديمية عام 2007، وفاز بـ3 جوائز غولدن غلوب، بالإضافة إلى 4 جوائز غرامي، و6 جوائز “بافتا”، وباع أكثر من 70 مليون ألبوم.

من فريد ظفور

مصور محترف حائز على العديد من الجوائز العالمية و المحلية في مجال التصوير الفوتوغرافي.