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It was an outstanding event themed on macro subjects in Chengicherla, Hyderabad. Special thanks to the Zeiss team for providing a wonderful opportunity for the participants to test ZEISS macro lenses, thanks Mr. Murali for your presence during the event. The participants came back with wonderful images. DCP Workshops and Expeditions forum was filled with splendid macro images shot during the event. Varieties of butterflies and moths, bees, ants, eggs, flowers, many other interesting and unusual subjects were sighted during the event. The participants were reluctant to leave the venue at the end of the session.
The event was meticulously planned and excellently executed by the DCP Group Leader Prashanth Peteri, the participants were trained to use all kinds of lenses and various gadgets to shoot macro subjects by him. Osho Kondaveeti provides tremendous support for the execution of all the events in Hyderabad, the participants love his presence and his guidance. It was Guru Raju’s first presence in the DCP event as Skipper, his presence made a lot of difference to the event.
There are more of such events coming up in Hyderabad.
Date: 19th June, 2016 (Sunday)
Location: Hyderabad
Venue: Chengicherla
Theme: Macro Photography
Association: with ZEISS group
36th photo walk in Hyderabad
Image copyrights: Prashanth Peteri and Osho Kondaveeti
تم التخطيط لهذا الحدث بدقة ونفذ بشكل ممتاز من قبل زعيم مجموعة DCP Prashanth Peteri، وتم تدريب المشاركين على استخدام جميع انواع العدسات والادوات المختلفة لاطلاق النار على الرعايا الماكرو بواسطته. يقدم اوشو كوندافيتي دعما هائلا لتنفيذ جميع الاحداث في حيدر اباد، والمشاركين يحبون وجوده وتوجيهه. كان اول حضور لجورو راجو في حدث DCP كقبطان، وجوده احدث فرقا كبيرا في الحدث.
هناك المزيد من هذه الاحداث القادمة في حيدر اباد.
التاريخ: 19 يونيو، 2016 (الاحد)
الموقع: حيدر اباد
المكان: تشينجيتشيرلا
الموضوع: التصوير الماكرو
الرابطة: مع مجموعة ZEISS
تمشية الصورة الرابعة في حيدر اباد
حقوق الطبع والنشر للصورة: Prashanth Peteri و Osho Kond