I never had any problems with sleep until I had a hip operation last year; it’s a little more difficult now. I need seven hours and it’s often broken, but one needs less as you get older. I go to bed at 10pm – it takes me a little time to get ready. I always read – I like a biography – until 11pm or midnight. I wake at 7am but don’t get up for an hour.
I make my own breakfast: tea and two slices of raisin bread and jam. My assistant, Merita, prepares lunch – fish or meatballs, or whatever is in the fridge – and in the evening I have a light meal, like soup. At this age, you don’t need much. Food has never interested me and I’ve always been fortunate to have somebody cook for me. I take supplements recommended by my youngest daughter, Yvonne, who is a doctor; multivitamins in the morning and cod liver oil and evening primrose in the evening.
I’m delighted to be able to share my work. For an exhibition, I have to look through boxes of prints and that can take some doing – my archive is 75 years of work. I’m trying not to take a lot of photographs now. I’ve said all I wanted to say, visually. If I take a photograph, it’s got to be something unexpected that makes me want to capture the moment.
I have four grandchildren, and three live in London, not far from me in Hampstead. I’m lucky they enjoy coming to see me. I recently went to the Design Museum with my other daughter, Monica, and took my camera; the pictures are as good as any I’ve taken. I have a woman living with me – it’s a wonderful arrangement called Share & Care. In return for accommodation, she spends time with me, talking or watching TV, so I’m not lonely. I still miss my husband, Louis, who died in 1994. We were married for nearly 50 years.
I don’t have many friends, but I love it when they visit. Although I can walk, I don’t make myself go outside every day. I’m waiting for the spring to do more. I gain pleasure from looking at things. From my bedroom there’s a wonderful view, as beautiful as any in the Mediterranean. I also like thinking. About the past.
• Dorothy Bohm: Sussex Photography opens on 23 May at Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, West Sussex. Little Happenings: Photographs By Dorothy Bohm opens at the V&A Museum of Childhood in October.