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مجلة فن التصوير الضوئي
مجلة المفتاح : …

Checked the Cleveland Clinic site this morning, already knowing from our on-site contacts that there was one egg in the box by Wednesday. Ely was at the nest, but when she got up she revealed two eggs and a fairly puffy lower abdomen, suggesting that she likely laid her second egg on Friday and probably would be laying a third sometime today or tonight. Dipper remained around the box (as we probably missed an early food delivery, judging by the leftover food particles on Ely’s beak), and then he spent time in the box standing over the beautiful eggs.
We’re showing some extra-closely cropped pics in this album, as the close proximity of the viewing window to the nest ledge and box allows us to see a great deal of detail when Dipper and Ely are in full sun. As we’ve mentioned, the window is one-way glass, so the pair can sometimes see movement inside the room (especially when the blinds are up and the sunlight is shining in), but they are unaffected by our presence when the room is kept darker.
اننا نظهر بعض الصور عن كثب في هذا الالبوم, حيث ان القرب القريب من نافذة المشاهدة الى عش الحافة والصندوق يسمح لنا برؤية قدر كبير من التفاصيل عندما يكون ديبر و ايلي في الشمس الكاملة. كما ذكرنا, النافذة عبارة عن زجاج ذو اتجاه واحد, لذلك يمكن للزوج احيانا رؤية الحركة داخل الغرفة (خاصة عندما تكون الستائر فوق و ضوء الشمس يلمع في), ولكن لا تتاثر بوجودنا عند ابقاء الغرفة اغمق.